Academic Presentations


Talks & Seminars

Flash Talk, Leading Edge Symposium, Janelia Research Campus
Jun 2024, Ashburn, VA

Seminar, Department of Comparative Medicine, Yale School of Medicine
May 2024, New Haven, CT

Seminar, Department of Cell Biology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Mar 2024, Pittsburgh, PA

Seminar, Yale Stem Cell Center
Feb 2024, New Haven, CT

Seminar, Department of Cell Biology, University of Virginia School of Medicine
Jan 2024, Charlottesville, VA

Seminar, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Nov 2023, Baltimore, MD

Intersections Science Fellows Symposium
Oct 2023 (virtual)

Emerging Leaders in Biomedical Engineering Symposium, University of Virginia School of Medicine
Sep 2023, Charlottesville, VA

Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America
Mar 2023, Chicago, IL

Symposia Talk, American Society for Cell Biology
Dec 2022, Washington, DC

Ethel Browne Harvey Postdoctoral Seminar Series, Society for Developmental Biology
Nov 2022 (virtual)

Next Generation in Biomedicine Symposium, The Broad Institute
Oct 2022 (virtual)

Departmental Seminar Series, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Sep 2021 (virtual)

HHMI Leading Edge Symposium, Janelia Research Campus
Jun 2021, virtual Zoom conference

Student Success Summit, State University of New York
Cross-Institution Virtual Collaborations: The RAM Summer Research Institute at Farmingdale State College
Apr 2021, virtual Zoom conference

Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America
Apr 2021, virtual Zoom conference

The Allied Genetics Conference, Genetics Society of America
Apr 2020, virtual Zoom conference

INSPIReD Seminar Series, Johns Hopkins University
Oct 2019, Baltimore, MD

NYU Molecular Pharmacology Retreat (outstanding presentation award)
Apr 2016, New York, NY

UMBC MARC U*STAR Seminar Series
Sep 2014, Baltimore, MD

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (outstanding presentation award)
Nov 2009, Phoenix, AZ

Poster Presentations

Tri-Institutional Symposium on Reproductive Biology
May 2024, Pittsburgh, PA

The Allied Genetics Conference, Genetics Society of America
Mar 2024, Washington, DC

European Drosophila Research Conference
Oct 2023, Lyon, France

Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America
Apr 2022, San Diego, CA

Cell Biology Departmental Retreat, University of Pittsburgh
Sep 2021, virtual meeting

Annual Rustbelt RNA Meeting
Sep 2021, virtual meeting

Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America
a) L. Grmai, E. Jimenez, M. Van Doren
b) S.C. Herrera, M. Amoyel, L. Grmai, S. Margolis, R. Plessel, M. Burel, M. O’Connor, E.A. Bach
Mar 2019, Dallas, TX

Germ Cells Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories
Oct 2018, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America
Mar 2017, San Diego, CA

Germ Cells Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories
Oct 2016, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

NYU Stem Cell Retreat (outstanding presentation award)
May 2016, New York, NY

NYU Molecular Pharmacology Retreat (outstanding presentation award)
Apr 2015, New York, NY

Germ Cells Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories
Oct 2014, Cold Spring Harbor, NY